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Spotlight Videos

ELAS Quick Flick: Top 10 Post-text Referencing Errors
Nick discusses the most common errors students make with post-text referencing.
Nick Roelants, ELAS Teacher, School of Management
5/26/2015 4:09:00 AM

An introduction to ELAS
Nick Roelants explains how the School of Management's English Language Academic Success (ELAS) support service can help you in your studies.
Nick Roelants, ELAS Teacher, School of Management
8/27/2015 8:47:53 PM

ELAS Guide to Using Video Resources More Effectively
Nick Roelants provides some tips for using video-based study resources more effectively.
Nick Roelants, ELAS Teacher, School of Management
1/18/2016 2:38:48 AM

ELAS Quick Flick: Exam Preparation
Nick provides some tips to help you out in exams.
Nick Roelants, ELAS Teacher, School of Management
6/4/2015 2:02:00 AM

Recent Channels

Rich Media Learning Resources
The Rich Media Learning Project is a sizeable investment in our ability to support media enriched education. These presentations will give you a clearer picture of the technologies available for creating and delivering media-enhanced courses. There are demonstrated examples of learning objects and you will get to hear experiences of the staff that created these resources.
7/1/2022 11:09:50 AM