Channel - Rich Media Learning Resources
The Rich Media Learning Project is a sizeable investment in our ability to support media enriched education. These presentations will give you a clearer picture of the technologies available for creating and delivering media-enhanced courses. There are demonstrated examples of learning objects and you will get to hear experiences of the staff that created these resources.
1/07/2022 11:09:50 AM

Channel Videos

152232 Small Business Management - Sarah Sorensen assignment
A sample student interview carried out as part of an assignment for 152232 Small Business Management.
Default Presenter
12/04/2015 2:44:00 AM

Classroom Inquiry 278461 Multimedia Assignment - student example
The first 40 seconds of a student assignment from the Classroom Inquiry paper.
Default Presenter
12/04/2015 2:13:00 AM

Margot Edwards - Sock Puppets app demo
A piece created by Margot Edwards using the Sock Puppets app for iOS. Used as a starter in a class about gender issues in Management.
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16/04/2015 4:38:00 AM

Open2Study sample - Agriculture And The World We Live In, Module 2, Topic 5
A sample lesson from Russ Tillman's ' Agriculture And The World We Live In' Open2Study course.
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12/04/2015 2:02:00 AM

Open2Study sample - Jon Mitchell: Emergency Management
This is the Open2Study course overview video for Jon Mitchell's 'Emergency Management' offering.
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12/04/2015 2:00:00 AM

Open2Study sample - Russ Tillman: Agriculture And The World We LIve In
This is the course overview video for Russ Tillman's 'Agriculture And The World We LIve In' Open2Study offering.
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12/04/2015 1:53:00 AM

Staff Experiences: Adobe Acrobat Pro Assignment Feedback
Myles Stilwell talks briefly about his use of Adobe Acrobat Pro to provide his students with audio feedback on their assignments.
Myles Stilwell, School of Management
16/05/2015 2:29:00 AM

Staff Experiences: Adobe Connect
Beth Tootell (School of Management) talks about the benefits of using Adobe Connect in her teaching.
Scott Symonds, Multimedia Consultant, School of Management
23/06/2015 10:50:08 PM

Staff Experiences: Mediasite Desktop Recorder
Kat Holt (Institute of Fundamental Sciences) talks briefly about her experience of using Mediasite's Desktop Recorder to produce a range of different materials for her students.
Scott Symonds, Multimedia Consultant, School of Management
23/06/2015 10:58:20 PM

Staff Experiences: Mediasite Lecture Capture
Terry Macpherson talks about his use of Mediasite for recording his classes and lectures.
Default Presenter
18/06/2015 1:49:00 AM

Staff Experiences: Mediasite Lecture Capture vs Adobe Connect
Beth Tootell (School of Management) discusses the benefits of using both Connect and Mediasite in her papers.
Scott Symonds, Multimedia Consultant, School of Management
23/06/2015 10:55:31 PM

Staff Experiences: Practical Demonstrations
Tina Downes of the School of Design, CoCA talks about her work creating instructional videos demonstrating fashion and textile construction techniques.
Scott Symonds, Multimedia Consultant, School of Management
7/12/2015 8:03:52 PM

Staff Experiences: ShowMe whiteboard recordings
Trevor Kitson talks about his use of ShowMe for producing quick whiteboard recordings using an iPad.
Default Presenter
10/06/2015 1:28:00 AM

Staff Experiences: Students As Content Creators
Jo Bensemann (School of Management) talks about the rich media component of an assignment in her 200 level Entrepreneurship paper.
Scott Symonds, Multimedia Consultant, School of Management
26/06/2015 4:29:34 AM

Staff Experiences: Studio Production
Nick Roelants talks about his experience of using studio facilities and support staff to produce high quality learning objects for students.
Default Presenter
10/06/2015 4:58:00 AM

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